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Скачать с ютуб 感受清境農場之美—青青草原、綿羊秀、馬術秀、天空步道全景盡收眼底 清境ファームの美しさを感じる - 青々とした草原、羊のショー、乘馬ショー、空中散步道を一望する в хорошем качестве

感受清境農場之美—青青草原、綿羊秀、馬術秀、天空步道全景盡收眼底 清境ファームの美しさを感じる - 青々とした草原、羊のショー、乘馬ショー、空中散步道を一望する 1 год назад

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感受清境農場之美—青青草原、綿羊秀、馬術秀、天空步道全景盡收眼底 清境ファームの美しさを感じる - 青々とした草原、羊のショー、乘馬ショー、空中散步道を一望する

#清境農場 #青青草原 #綿羊秀 #馬術秀 #天空步道 #南投旅遊景點 #二天一夜旅遊 #三天兩夜旅遊 #櫻花 #CingjingFarm #GreenGreenGrassland #SheepShow #HorseShow #SkywalkTrail #NantouTouristSpots #TwoDaysOneNightTravel #ThreeDaysTwoNightsTravel #CherryBlossoms 合作聯絡信箱:[email protected] Collaboration Contact Email:[email protected] 清境農場位於台灣南投縣仁愛鄉,海拔約1,700至2,000公尺,是一個知名的觀光勝地。該農場由中華民國國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會所經營,與武陵農場、福壽山農場合稱為台灣三大高山農場。 清境農場以其綿延的青青草原聞名,草原上有著一片片悠然的牧草,吸引許多遊客前來感受自然之美。在清涼宜人的氣候中,遊客可享受放鬆身心的時光,漫步於綠意盎然的草原上,遠眺山川風光。此外,清境農場周邊還有許多景點值得一遊,如清境小瑞士花園、合歡山森林遊樂區等,提供遊客更多元的選擇。無論是想要感受大自然的寧靜,還是尋找一處遠離塵囂的休憩之地,清境農場都是個不錯的選擇。清境高空步道是位於清境青青草原旁,也被稱為清境天空步道。這條步道是一條位於山腰的空中步道,提供遊客近距離欣賞清境農場的美景。步道上擁有觀景台,遊客可以從這裡眺望遼闊的山川風光,感受身臨其境的震撼。青青草原則是清境農場的一大特色景點,擁有廣闊的草原和壯麗的山景,還有綿羊秀表演。草原上散落著幾群悠閒吃草的綿羊,讓遊客感受到悠閒寧靜的農場生活。清境農場的馬術秀表演範圍位於觀山牧區的馬術秀場,是一項精彩的特色表演,吸引眾多遊客前來觀賞。在清境農場漫步,清新的空氣和悠然的風景令人心曠神怡,遠離城市的喧囂。無論是走在高空步道上,俯瞰山脈蒼茫,還是漫步在青青草原上,感受大自然的包容與美好,都是一段難忘的旅程。 清境天空步道是一條位於山腰的空中步道,長度約200公尺。步道採用鋼鐵結構,建築在山間懸崖上,在步道上可俯瞰清境農場的青青草原、綿延的山脈,以及遠眺的平原景觀。步道高度足以讓遊客感受到置身於雲端之上的奇幻感受,欣賞壯麗的山景,感受大自然的美好。 清境青青草原廣大開闊,草地綿延至天際,綠意盎然,是絕佳的休憩勝地。遊客可以在這裡感受到大自然的寧靜與美麗,拍攝迷人的風景照片。草原上有許多可愛的綿羊,每天定時舉行綿羊秀,遊客可以親身體驗和動物互動的樂趣,拍攝美好的畫面。草原周邊設有牧場活動,如草原騎馬、親子牧場等,適合全家大小一同參與,增加互動樂趣。設有觀景台供遊客欣賞清境山谷的壯麗景色,可以一覽無遺地欣賞到周邊山川風景。草原附近設有餐廳、休息區等休閒設施,遊客可以在這裡享受美食、休息放鬆,感受大自然的美好。 清境農場的馬術秀是一項精彩的特色表演,吸引眾多遊客前來觀賞。馬術秀每日有兩場表演,分別在上午10:45和下午15:45,每場表演約持續30分鐘。表演範圍位於觀山牧區的馬術秀場,表演包括馬匹的特技表演、花式跳躍、速度競賽等精彩節目,展示了馬匹的優雅和訓練成果。 在遊覽清境農場後,深受其自然美景與多元化活動所吸引。漫步在天空步道上,我感受到清新的山間空氣和絕美的山景,這裡的景色讓我心曠神怡,忘卻了一切煩憂。青青草原的壯闊景色,令人心曠神怡。我享受在這片寧靜的環境中漫步,俯瞰著遠方的山峰,感受大自然的恩賜。綿羊秀充滿趣味,牧羊人和牧羊犬的表演令人驚嘆。我喜歡看著羊群在草原上奔跑,感受到動物與人類之間的和諧。馬術秀帶給我驚喜和震撼,看著馬匹優雅地展示各種技巧,讓我深深著迷。清境農場是一個令人流連忘返的旅遊勝地,讓我度過了愉快又充實的時光。 The Cingjing Farm is located in Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan, at an elevation of approximately 1,700 to 2,000 meters. It is a well-known tourist destination operated by the Retired Servicemen Counseling Association of the Republic of China Armed Forces, often referred to as one of Taiwan's three major high mountain farms alongside Wuling Farm and Fushoushan Farm. Cingjing Farm is renowned for its vast and sprawling green grassland, attracting many visitors to experience the beauty of nature. Visitors can enjoy the pleasant climate and leisurely stroll through the lush green fields, admiring the scenic mountain views. Additionally, there are many other attractions around Cingjing Farm, such as the Cingjing Swiss Garden and Hehuan Mountain Forest Recreation Area, providing visitors with diverse options. Whether seeking tranquility in nature or a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle, Cingjing Farm is an excellent choice. The Cingjing Skywalk, also known as the Clear Skywalk, is a 200-meter-long aerial walkway situated beside the Cingjing Green Green Grassland. Elevated along the mountainside, this walkway offers visitors a close-up view of the picturesque landscapes of Cingjing Farm. With observation platforms along the way, visitors can admire the vast mountain scenery and feel the awe of being surrounded by nature. The Green Green Grassland is a prominent feature of Cingjing Farm, boasting expansive grasslands and magnificent mountain views, along with sheep shows. Visitors can witness sheep leisurely grazing on the grasslands, experiencing the serene farm life. The farm also hosts horse show performances at the Equestrian Showground in the Observation Mountain Pasture area, attracting many spectators. Walking around Cingjing Farm, amidst the fresh air and tranquil scenery, provides a rejuvenating escape from urban life. After exploring Cingjing Farm, visitors are captivated by its natural beauty and diverse activities. Walking on the Skywalk, I felt the refreshing mountain air and admired the stunning mountain scenery, forgetting all worries. The vast scenery of the Green Green Grassland is truly breathtaking. I enjoyed strolling in this peaceful environment, overlooking distant peaks, and appreciating nature's blessings. The sheep show, featuring shepherds and sheepdogs, is fascinating. Watching the sheep run freely on the grassland, I felt the harmony between animals and humans. The horse show brought me surprises and excitement as I watched the elegant display of various equestrian skills, leaving me deeply fascinated. Cingjing Farm is a destination that lingers in one's memory, offering enjoyable and fulfilling moments.
