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Скачать с ютуб Incredible Performance From Olga Korbut 'Darling Of Munich' - Munich 1972 Olympics в хорошем качестве

Incredible Performance From Olga Korbut 'Darling Of Munich' - Munich 1972 Olympics 12 лет назад

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Incredible Performance From Olga Korbut 'Darling Of Munich' - Munich 1972 Olympics

📺 Re-live ALL the incredible #Paris2024 action ➡️ Olga Korbut captured the public imagination with her charismatic and daring performances in the team competition at the 1972 Munich Games, aged just 17 year old. After her spectacular routine on the uneven parallel bars, Korbut later recalled, "It was amazing. One day, I was a nobody, and the next day, I was a star." Unfortunately in the individual final two days later, disaster struck. Korbut made three errors on the uneven bars, the judges gave her a score of 7.5 and she wept with disappointment as she dropped to seventh place. Yet she recovered to claim gold in the floor exercise and beam to add to her victory in the team competition. ========================================= 📲 Subscribe to @olympics: 🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays: 🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays: 🗞️ News from the Olympic world:
