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Скачать с ютуб Porsanger Battalion - NATO's most North-Eastern fighting force. в хорошем качестве

Porsanger Battalion - NATO's most North-Eastern fighting force. 2 года назад

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Porsanger Battalion - NATO's most North-Eastern fighting force.

This film is a short story about the Porsanger Battalion who are stationed in Finnmark in the north of Norway. The Arctic weather conditions there are harsh, so the soldiers have special skills to cope with these extremities. They are in fact, NATO's most North-Eastern fighting force. NFM is proud to have been given the opportunity to spend time with the Battalion to showcase some of our latest equipment including: HJELM™: Light ballistic combat helmet: THOR: Load Bearing System: SKJOLD: Ballistic protection: GARM: Innovative combat uniforms: You can read more about the Porsanger Battalion and NFM's visit there here: We thank the Norwegian Armed Forces for their assistance in the making of this movie. This footage is the Copyright of the NFM Group. Do not copy without permission. About NFM: NFM, founded in 1996, designs and produces protective equipment that enables the user to deploy his full capacity during combat, while staying protected. Our systems and products, based on the Scandinavian heritage of craftsmanship, are designed with the user in mind. We continuously implement a holistic and innovative approach to protection.
