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Скачать с ютуб 【準提咒】Cundhi Dharani Mantra | 滿一切善願 ❤️財富福德增長❤️超強正能量*消除惡運障礙*成就善業*咒語版1080遍 2小時 大悲菩提寺 🙏 (Pinyin) 2 hours в хорошем качестве

【準提咒】Cundhi Dharani Mantra | 滿一切善願 ❤️財富福德增長❤️超強正能量*消除惡運障礙*成就善業*咒語版1080遍 2小時 大悲菩提寺 🙏 (Pinyin) 2 hours 1 год назад

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【準提咒】Cundhi Dharani Mantra | 滿一切善願 ❤️財富福德增長❤️超強正能量*消除惡運障礙*成就善業*咒語版1080遍 2小時 大悲菩提寺 🙏 (Pinyin) 2 hours

【準提咒】出自《佛說七俱胝佛母心大准提陀羅尼經》,誦持此陀羅尼有不可思議之功德利益:“ Cundhi Dharani ” ,extract from “The Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī " "受持讀誦此陀羅尼滿九十萬遍,無量劫來所造五無間等一切諸罪皆悉消滅,"Reciting this mantra for a full ninty hundred thousand times, all sins committed over countless eons, including the five heinous crimes, will be completely eradicated. 加拿大大悲菩提寺 虔誠恭製 所在生處皆得值遇諸佛菩薩,所有資具隨意充足。 In all future existences, one will encounter Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and all necessary provisions will be abundant and effortlessly available." 若有人能常自憶念,誦持此呪,無量善根皆得成就。 If someone can constantly remember and recite this mantra, countless virtuous roots will be accomplished. 準提咒能夠滅除十惡五逆一切重罪。成就一切善業。具戒清淨,速得菩提。 The Cundhi Mantra seal has the power to eliminate the ten unwholesome actions, the five heinous offenses, and all severe sins. It brings accomplishment in all virtuous deeds and leads to the swift attainment of enlightenment with a purified ethical conduct. *************************************** 大悲菩提寺呼籲十方大德贊助本寺之法音宣流。 大悲菩提寺坐落於加拿大多倫多北部一處幽靜的森林中,致力於西方社會的成人佛法教育及青少年禪修教育已有十年之久。然而,近來因COVID-19疫情的影響,資源和捐款減少,我們仍堅持初心,即『弘揚佛法在西方的初願』。 住持妙淨法師著重網路弘法,以有限的資源持續每週發布華文英文雙語佛教影片,法師深知弘揚佛法教育不可中斷,因此在疫情初期更著重在YouTube雲端網路弘法的志業。然而,雲端網路弘需要硬體設備,每週志工義工發心影片製作,為了使法音宣流的弘法志業能夠永續,我們在此呼籲十方善信大德成為我們的會員,發心護持,支持大悲菩提寺在西方弘法的長期營運佛法志業。祝福諸位法友福慧雙修,阿彌陀佛!我們至誠邀請您來護持本寺華文英文雙語網路弘法的志業。感恩您的發心護持!祝福您!平安吉祥! 護持捐款請至本寺官方網站: 邀請您成為本寺的護法會員(每年修法迴向閣家),請參閱本寺官方連結: ◎本寺相關線上弘法連結如下 Related websites for Online Preaching: 請各位踴躍訂閱大悲菩提寺官方YouTube頻道,感恩您的推廣佛法,護持佛法,功德無量! 請參考加拿大大悲菩提寺官方網站 Official Websites: 大悲菩提寺官方網站 Official Websites:【 Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】 本寺華文網站 本寺英文網站 YouTube官網視頻 【大悲菩提寺 Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】    / gcbptemple   臉書粉絲專頁 【大悲菩提寺 Facebook Fans:Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】   / gcbptempleorg   臉書官方帳號 【大悲菩提寺 Facebook:Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】   / gcbptemple.c.  .   / gcbptemple***explore   Our Official Youtube Channels*** @   / gcbptemple   To delve deeper into teachings and the complete stories of Guan Yin, please visit our official website: ***Join Us on Our Official Platforms*** Our only official YouTube Channel :    / gcbptemple   Facebook:   / gcbptempleorg   We highly value your feedback; feel free to email us at [email protected]. Should you have any specific topics or Buddhist stories you'd like to discuss, kindly share your interests via email. We welcome various forms of support. All our videos are crafted by dedicated volunteers, and if you are interested in contributing to translation or design, please contact us. Your support is truly appreciated. Dear friends, In the serene forests of northern Toronto, Canada, the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple has been a beacon of Buddhist wisdom for over a decade. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has strained our resources and support. Under the guidance of Abbot Venerable Master Miao Jing, we've embraced online platforms like YouTube to propagate the Dharma. But this requires costly equipment and the dedication of our volunteers. We invite you to join us in sustaining our mission. Your contributions will help spread compassion and enlightenment worldwide. Consider joining our monthly membership supporting plan to provide ongoing assistance. Visit our website at to support us and explore our monthly sponsorship options: Furthermore, you can support us by sharing our videos, clicking like, and engaging with our content to help spread the message of compassion and wisdom. With gratitude and blessings, About Mantra teachings,please visit our Youtube channel playlist: Tutorial 1: Guan Yin Mantra Visualization Tutorial 2: Amitabha Buddha Mantra Tutorial 3: Chanting Mantra Benefit Tutorial 4: Power of Mantra Tutorial 5: Merits of Mantra We value your feedback or questions, please email us or suggest the topics you are interested. We welcome any methods of support, please visit our official website to view our video database. If you wish you donate our charity to support our work, please visit our website or contact us at [email protected] to support. We always appreciate your supports in any methods. We wish you a merciful and peaceful day. #佛咒#准提咒#準提咒#準提佛母咒#Cundi Mantra#大悲菩提寺#準提神咒#Cundhi Dharani Mantra#Cundhi Mantra#咒中之王#准提神咒#Phật Mẫu Chuẩn Đề मंजुश्री พระจุนที โพธิสัตว์ 准提菩薩#
