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Скачать с ютуб Hotel The Mitsui Kyoto, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa в хорошем качестве

Hotel The Mitsui Kyoto, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa 3 года назад

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Hotel The Mitsui Kyoto, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa

Hotel The Mitsui Kyoto is located in the heart of Kyoto – adjacent to Nijo-jo Castle on the site of the Kyoto home of the Kitake, the executive branch of the Mitsui Family - a property the family maintained for over 250 years. The tranquility and storied history of the location is reflected in each of the guest rooms. A modern reimagining of the traditional Japanese tearoom, the 161 guest rooms feature carefully chosen natural materials elevated using artisanal skills. ROYIST — Elevate your lifestyle ™ ----------------------------------------------------- 📱 SOCIAL NETWORKS 📸 Instagram -   / royist​​​​   📘 Facebook -   / theroyist   🐦 Twitter -   / theroyist   📌 Pinterest - 🌍 REQUEST INVITATION
