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8 Tips to Make Your Sketchbook Great by Design

My favorite composition and layout tips to transform your drawings into powerful storytellers. 💬 Want more ideas and perspective from me? For free? Subscribe for my weekly essays on creativity: Share your thoughts and questions by replying to any of my essays. Find more of my courses on 📚 Some of my Books: 📕 The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be the Artist You Truly Are: (Amazon) 📘 Art Before Breakfast: A Zillion Ways to be More Creative No Matter How Busy You Are: (Amazon) 📗 Shut Your Monkey: How to Control Your Inner Critic and Get More Done: (Amazon) 📙 You do you: Essays on being creative. (Amazon) 👉 Stay Connected: Check out my other videos for more inspiration and practical advice on living a creatively fulfilling life. And don't forget to subscribe! Your support and interaction mean the world to me. Let's embark on this creative journey together!
