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Suni Lee leaves NO DOUBT on Day 1 of U.S. Gymnastics Trials | NBC Sports 5 месяцев назад

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Suni Lee leaves NO DOUBT on Day 1 of U.S. Gymnastics Trials | NBC Sports

Tokyo Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee performed upgraded routines on bars and floor to position herself in third place after the first day of competition at the U.S. Olympic Trials. #NBCSports #Gymnastics #SuniLee » Subscribe to the NBC Sports YouTube Channel:    / nbcsports   » Watch Live Sports on Peacock: NBC Sports Group serves sports fans 24/7 with an unparalleled collection of sports properties that include the Olympics, NFL, Premier League, BIG10, NASCAR, PGA TOUR, the Kentucky Derby, Tour de France, French Open, IndyCar and many more. For more Olympic content: Visit NBC’s Olympic website: Follow NBC Olympics on Twitter:   / nbcolympics   Follow NBC Olympics on Instagram:   / nbcolympics   Follow NBC Olympics on Tiktok:   / nbcolympics   Follow NBC Olympics on Facebook:   / nbcolympics   Visit: NBC Sports: Premier League on NBC Sports: NASCAR on NBC Sports: Sunday Night Football on NBC Sports: NBC Sports on Facebook:   / nbcsports   Follow NBC Sports on Twitter:   / nbcsports   Follow NBC Sports on Instagram:   / nbcsports   Suni Lee leaves NO DOUBT on Day 1 of U.S. Gymnastics Trials | NBC Sports    / nbcsports  
