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Скачать с ютуб Exercise for High Blood Pressure | Baba ramdev Yoga | в хорошем качестве

Exercise for High Blood Pressure | Baba ramdev Yoga | 8 лет назад

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Exercise for High Blood Pressure | Baba ramdev Yoga |

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for High Blood Pressure (Hindi) - Yoga Health Fitness. This video effectively addresses problems arising out of high blood pressure. The essence of the pranayamas, yoga asanas, acupressure and home remedies for to cope with problems of high blood pressure is captured in this video. High blood pressure due to any reason - i.e. obesity, diabetes, renal (kidney) problems or hereditary causes - will get controlled with the essential practice of the various pranayams, asanas and home remedies that have been described in this video.
