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Phuket Sandbox or Samui Plus - 6 Steps To Travel To Thailand

Have you decided that you want to travel to Phuket Sandbox or Samui Plus? Is all of the extra preparation overwhelming and confusing? In this video I’ll explain to you what you need to do step by step in order to travel to Thailand. Phuket Sandbox and Samui plus allow vaccinated arrivals from approved countries to enter Thailand without a quarantine period. I’m going to point out the steps you need to take when planning to come to Thailand with no quarantine by entering either Phuket or Koh Samui. STEPS 1. Purchase Medical Insurance ( Safety Wings , AXA) 2. COE - Pre Approval 3. Book Flights and SHA+ Hotel 4. PSAS - pay for COVID tests 5. Upload flights ,SHABA ID, COVID tests within days - COE Approved. 6.PCR test up to 72 hours before you travel ☕SUPPORT THE CHANNEL☕ If you'd like to support the channel you can click this link and buy me a coffee. Thank you! ;-) Improve Your English Skills ( My other YouTube channel)    / @alwaysenglishwithandrew4062   Email address [email protected]
