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Скачать с ютуб The Heart of the Matter: A Brief History of Cardiac Nursing в хорошем качестве

The Heart of the Matter: A Brief History of Cardiac Nursing 2 года назад

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The Heart of the Matter: A Brief History of Cardiac Nursing

In this talk, Professor David Thompson explains how the role of the cardiac nurse has evolved from one of “human monitor” to providing holistic care. Today, nurses promote heart health and improve health literacy, support disease management and work to reduce health inequalities. In the 1960s, cardiac nursing was a physical and technical job. Over the years, nursing has expanded to encompass the psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care, and to include families and carers in decision-making. Yet there are new challenges facing nursing: the ageing population, social isolation and multiple conditions. How can strong leadership, education and training support today’s cardiac nurses to work collaboratively and effectively to ensure better patient care? This session was held online in February 2022. Image: Wellcome Collection Visit the History of Nursing Forum webpages:
