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Tahchin Morgh Recipe / Crispy Persian Saffron Rice Cake / Persian Molded Rice with Chicken

Ingredients: Rice 2 Cup Chopped Onion 1 Medium Chicken thighs skinless, boneless 1 large Bay leaves 3 Liquid Saffron 1/3 Cup Egg 1 Plain Yogurt 1.5 Cup Melted Butter 50 Gr Water 3 L Turmeric Garlic powder Salt Ground pepper For decorate: Dried Barberries Almond slice Instructions: Put the Chicken thighs into a pot. Lay the Onions on top of the Chickens. Add Bay leaves , salt ,Turmeric , Garlic powder , Ground pepper and fill the pot with boiling water until it covers the chickens. Put the lid on the pot and let it simmer for 20 Minutes. Soak the rice in a pot for 30 minutes Take the cooked chicken pieces out of the pot and slice them in smaller pieces. Bring the soaked rice pot to the boiling and continue simmering until the rice becomes tender. Drain the rice in a colander. Pour egg in a bowl . Add the plain yogurt. Melted Butter and liquid saffron , salt and ground pepper to the bowl and mix them together. Pour the rice over them. Stir until well mixed. grease the molds with melted butter. Pour a layer of the mixture into the molds. Put the chickens pieces on them. Pour the rest of the mixture over the chickens and cover completely. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 45 minutes. Fry some dried barberry in oil and use it with almond slices for decoration. --------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Corporate Culture by WinnieTheMoog Link: --------------------------------------------------------------- About us: here you can get daily homemade recipes for all the fresh and tasty food you love and have a healthy and also yummy meal all together. Follow us: Facebook:  / phomefood   Instagram:   / phomefood   #persianhomefood #tahchinmorgh #Chickencake
