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Скачать с ютуб The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman) в хорошем качестве

The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman) 8 лет назад

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The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)

In a small town in the old west, a lone and weary gunfighter enters a saloon. As he walks through the room surrounded by the people of the town, a voice begins narrating the scene, telling us exactly who this gunfighter is. But unlike every classic western to use the narrator trope, the characters in this film can hear the voice. This omniscient narrator quickly begins divulging the deepest, darkest secrets of the people in the saloon. He exposes infidelity, homosexuality, prejudice and even a bit of bestiality. As the story unfolds it becomes evident that the voice is a bloodthirsty bastard that wants nothing more than to see the people of the town kill each other in a needless gunfight. Subscribe for more content: ----- The Gunfighter won the following Awards: Los Angeles Film Festival - WINNER - Audience Award, Best Short Palm Springs Short Film Festival - Best of Fest Selection LA Shorts - WINNER - Best Comedy Short ----- The Gunfighter has been shown on following festivals: Cleveland International Film Festival Seattle International Film Festival Traverse City Film Festival Woods Hole Film Festival Sidewalk Film Festival Hell’s Half Mile Film Festival South Dakota Film Festival Napa Valley Film Festival ----- Director: Eric Kissack Screenplay: Kevin Tenglin Producer: Sarah Platt Music: Paul Thomson
