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Скачать с ютуб Wii Longplay - Battalion Wars 2 в хорошем качестве

Wii Longplay - Battalion Wars 2 6 лет назад

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Wii Longplay - Battalion Wars 2

Like its predecessor, Battalion Wars 2 is a real-time strategy game where you maneuver modern armies (consisting of units based off of those in Advance Wars 1) while having direct control of one of the units. Here's the interesting notes about the tactics: *Your unit is bolstered with human intelligence for managing combat maneuvers. It can provide a momentum swing in an area you want to take control of. *Naturally, however, you must make sure your other units, which will be under AI control as far as tactical behavior goes, do not become exposed to unwelcome scenarios. Keep them safe using defilade, distance, and defensive power. *The important thing is to issue commands fast and efficiently enough to maximize your attack potential against thick formations of enemies. Overall, Battalion Wars 2 is easier than Battalion Wars 1, but it still isn't without difficult enough moments to provide decent difficulty. The story has increased depth, but it's not a whole lot. It does, however, pit the player as a unit in the various factions that ultimately get caught up in a worldwide war where the player must overcome the danger if they are to prevail. 10/4/2023 - Monetization is now on since I am needing some money. I am additionally turning on non-skippable ads because of the Battalion Wars community's conduct. They had been hostile for its own sake, and until they own up for that (I sadly can't expect this to happen), I'll just bring up how key members ignored the "Mangs and July 2020" video in terms of who they support.
