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Скачать с ютуб DIY Vapour Blaster Build, Aussie/NZ components and specs в хорошем качестве

DIY Vapour Blaster Build, Aussie/NZ components and specs 4 месяца назад

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DIY Vapour Blaster Build, Aussie/NZ components and specs

This video is for Australian and New Zealander builders as the parts are sourced from vendors down under or, over the ditch. My parts list is linked in the article (, and is free to download and copy. I don't even want your email address. My interest is building and modifying motorcycles, so if you come from another field that's cool, just grab my parts list and get cracking. I also have a Facebook Group (  / 177345502039852  ) for builders to interact, because the existing ones I am in are rubbish. They're either people showing off their results - and not sharing how to replicate, or, people trying to sell you something. If you actually want to build a blaster and get it working right, join my group.
