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Christmas Decor and Holiday Traditions with Chelsi Stratton 2 года назад

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Christmas Decor and Holiday Traditions with Chelsi Stratton

Join Chelsi Stratton for a short tour of her home with some of her favorite Christmas decorations and holiday traditions. She also shares how and where she stores her quilts. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Little Town Quilt Pattern in Paper and PDF: 1 Canoe 2 2021 Christmas Countdown Calendar: Chelsi Stratton Pattern Shop: Chelsi Stratton Instagram:   / chelsistratton   Chelsi Stratton Blog: Facebook: A Quilting Life with Sherri & Chelsi:   / 459389991531728   Music: Lucidity By Kings    • Видео   Artist SoundCloud   / onlyfeels   Music Promoted by
