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Life in China After 15 Years: My Thoughts as an Expat 5 дней назад

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Life in China After 15 Years: My Thoughts as an Expat

Let's get to 10,000 subscribers on YouTube! Share the Channel Let's get to 10,000 followers on instagram   / thedividendnomad   // S U B S C R I B E. New Videos Every Week Have a question for the me? Reach out to me in the comments or via other social media or email // J O H N Welcome to my channel! I'm an American who has been living abroad for nearly 20 years. Currently, I'm based in China, where I work as a PE teacher and run a small fitness business. On this channel, I share what it's like to live abroad as an expat, from daily work life to exploring local foods and cultures. I also dive into my journey with investing and stock market trading (though I don’t offer financial advice). If you’re curious about life abroad, expat insights, and the unique experiences of living in China, you’re in the right place! Legal Disclosure: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases I show on video should not be considered “investment recommendations”. I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in attempt to mirror what I do. Unless investments are FDIC insured, they may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful!
