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Скачать с ютуб 如何清洗新鮮鮑魚仔 How to clean fresh small abalone **字幕CC Eng. Sub** в хорошем качестве

如何清洗新鮮鮑魚仔 How to clean fresh small abalone **字幕CC Eng. Sub** 5 лет назад

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如何清洗新鮮鮑魚仔 How to clean fresh small abalone **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

🟢清洗鮑魚的步驟: 1️⃣ 新鮮的鮑魚仔,略為清洗。 2️⃣ 燒滾一鍋水,熄火後放入鮑魚仔浸泡10秒,略為攪動一下。 3️⃣ 撈起鮑魚仔,放入水中清洗。 4️⃣ 用牙刷在流動水中刷乾淨鮑魚,注意背部也要刷乾淨。 5️⃣ 使用小刀略界韌帶位撬開鮑魚(可選擇不開,原隻蒸)。 6️⃣ 去除鮑魚內臟和嘴,洗淨。 7️⃣ 將鮑魚吸乾水,即可用來蒸煮或與其他食材烹調佳餚。 8️⃣ 以影片中鮑魚大小而言,水滾落鑊大火蒸3分鐘,鮑魚較大時間要略為增加,買鮑魚時可向魚檔查詢蒸煮時間。 🟢Steps for cleaning abalone: 1️⃣ Rinse fresh abalones briefly. 2️⃣ Bring a pot of water to a boil, then turn off the heat and immerse the abalones in the water for 10 seconds, stirring gently. 3️⃣ Remove the abalones from the water and rinse it under running water. 4️⃣ Use a toothbrush to scrub the abalones thoroughly under running water, making sure to clean the back as well. 5️⃣ Use a small knife to pry open the abalones by cutting around the ligament (optional, can leave it closed for steaming). 6️⃣ Remove the abalone's internal organs and mouth, and wash thoroughly. 7️⃣ Pat dry the abalones and it can be used for steaming or cooking with other ingredients. 8️⃣ Based on the size of the abalones shown in the video, steam on high heat for 3 minutes after the water comes to a boil. For larger abalones, the steaming time should be slightly longer. You can ask the fish vendor for advice on steaming times when purchasing abalone.    / @oeliving   👈請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》 ✳ 網友可到Facebook群組**香港菜HK dishes**分享個人作品和煮食心得。  / 1885999698348679   ✳ 🍋請開啓字幕:屏幕右下角⏩設定⏩CC字幕 Turn on captions in the bottom right corner of the screen: ⏩Settings⏩CC Captions🥒
