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Shockwave Defeats Optimus Prime! (Energon Universe) 4 месяца назад

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Shockwave Defeats Optimus Prime! (Energon Universe)

Skybound Transformers Playlist:   • Skybound Transformers (Energon Universe)   Hi, I'm James, aka Go Beyond Comics, a channel dedicated to bringing you fun and educational comic content! I'm a regular guy aiming to entertain and educate you on the comics I cover. Go ahead, subscribe, and join a community that strives to GO BEYOND the status quo! Skybound Transformers Vol 2 Issue 9 (Energon Universe) Written by Daniel Warren Johnson Art by Jorge Corona Colors by Mike Spicer DESCRIPTION: THE FATE OF TWO WORLDS! Optimus Prime was supposed to have led the Autobots to victory. Instead, the fate of Cybertron is unknown, and his allies have crash-landed far from home alongside their enemies—the Decepticons. As these titanic forces renew their war on Earth, one thing is clear: the planet will never be the same. New alliances are struck. Battle lines are redrawn. And humanity’s only hope of survival is Optimus Prime! CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS    / @gobeyondcomics   PATREON GO BEYOND COMICS PODCAST You can TIP me here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY EQUIPMENT: RECORDING MICROPHONE - POP FILTER - PHONE MICROPHONE - SOUNDPROOF COVER - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND MUSIC All provided by Epidemic Sound --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ME HERE! COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP   / 1229734841021921   TWITTER   / plusultrajames   INSTAGRAM   / plusultrajames   TIK TOK SUBSCRIBE HERE!    / @gobeyondcomics   #transformers #decepticons #hasbro
