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how i got into USC (stats, extracurriculars, essays, & advice) 4 месяца назад

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how i got into USC (stats, extracurriculars, essays, & advice)

Try Acely and get $10 off your first month with my code "ANNIE10"! how i got a 1560 on the SAT:    • how i got a 1560 on the SAT (ultimate...   MY ESSAYS (for free) Common App: USC Supplemental: i help Gen Z young women leverage their youth through purpose-driven productivity. keep up with me 🎧🌱👇🏼 IG: @annielongyt   / annielongyt   TikTok: @annielong   / annielong   🎙 tune into my podcast - THRIVING TEENS spotify: youtube:    / @thrivingteens   talk business w/ me ↓ email: [email protected] LinkedIn:   / annielongg   0:00 intro & background 0:19 stats (GPA, APs, SAT) 1:04 SAT tips (get a 1560) 3:08 extracurriculars: their value 3:40 ecl #1 4:22 ecl #2 4:49 ecl #3 5:25 ecl #4 6:24 ecl #5 7:21 ecl #6 7:41 ecl #7 8:31 ecl #8 8:59 ecl #9 9:44 ecl #10 10:02 essays 11:40 tip #1 12:51 tip #2 13:13 tip #3 13:56 tip #4 14:10 tip #5 14:32 tip #6 15:02 tip #7 15:34 tip #8
