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Exploring Key West and a Key Lime Pie Challenge! 8 дней назад

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Exploring Key West and a Key Lime Pie Challenge!

We had a great vacation in the Florida Keys! We arrived on Thanksgiving day, and stayed for 3 nights in Marathon Key at a nice resort called the Coconut Cay Resort. They had bikes, paddle boarding, kayaks and a swimming pool. It is a pet friendly resort, so we brought the whole family! We drove down to Key West, about an hour drive from the resort to explore. We ate at Sloppy Joes restaurant, had a key lime pie at Kermit's and another key lime pie at the Key lime pie factory. For my birthday on Saturday, we did a sunset cruise with Marathon Mermaid Adventures. Highly recommend this for your trip, it was worth it to see the sunset from the water. Other videos you might enjoy:  Amazing Drone Show- Disney Springs    • AMAZING Disney Springs Drone Show!   Helicopters and a Relaxing Beach Day    • Gorgeous Sand and Beach Day! | Helico...   Welcome to SillyAdventuresTo. We enjoy taking you with us as we explore new and familiar places like theme parks, small towns, and events. We are based out of Orlando, Florida! Join us on our non scripted adventures! Say hello and hit the subscribe button, as we are always doing something new. #floridakeys #beachvibes #keylimepie
