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100 SIGHT WORDS for Kids (Learn High Frequency Words) | FRY WORDS List 2

Join us to learn 100 sight words for kids with this Learning Time Fun Sight Words children's video! Learn high frequency words and popcorn words for kids starting with this list of the second 100 fry words. These words are great for kids in pre k, preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade. Get started learning sight words today with our list of 100 sight words for kids! Happy Learning! Sight Words Playlist with Sentences:    • Learn SIGHT WORDS for Kids (26 Sight ...   SUBSCRIBE to our Channel: WATCH our most Recent Upload: 🎵 STREAM LTF SONGS 🎵 ▶▶ Spotify: ▶▶ Amazon Music: ▶▶ Apple Music:   / these-are-the-opposites-single   ▶▶ Deezer: Some of the music in this video was provided by TRANSCRIPT Let's learn to spell and read sight words together! me (m-e) new (n-e-w) our (o-u-r) take (t-a-k-e) only (o-n-l-y) any (a-n-y) work (w-o-r-k) know (k-n-o-w) place (p-l-a-c-e) try (t-r-y) live (l-i-v-e) over (o-v-e-r) back (b-a-c-k) give (g-i-v-e) most (m-o-s-t) very (v-e-r-y) after (a-f-t-e-r) thing (t-h-i-n-g) too (t-o-o) just (j-u-s-t) name (n-a-m-e) good (g-o-o-d) home (h-o-m-e) man (m-a-n) think (t-h-i-n-k) say (s-a-y) great (g-r-e-a-t) where (w-h-e-r-e) help (h-e-l-p) through (t-h-r-o-u-g-h) much (m-u-c-h) before (b-e-f-o-r-e) line (l-i-n-e) right (r-i-g-h-t) sound (s-o-u-n-d) means (m-e-a-n-s) old (o-l-d) little (l-i-t-t-l-e) same (s-a-m-e) tell (t-e-l-l) boy (b-o-y) off (o-f-f) came (c-a-m-e) want (w-a-n-t) show (s-h-o-w) also (a-l-s-o) around (a-r-o-u-n-d) farm (f-a-r-m) three (t-h-r-e-e) small (s-m-a-l-l) set (s-e-t) put (p-u-t) end (e-n-d) does (d-o-e-s) still (s-t-i-l-l) well (w-e-l-l) large (l-a-r-g-e) must (m-u-s-t) big (b-i-g) even (e-v-e-n) such (s-u-c-h) because (b-e-c-a-u-s-e) turn (t-u-r-n) here (h-e-r-e) why (w-h-y) asked (a-s-k-e-d) went (w-e-n-t) men (m-e-n) read (r-e-a-d) need (n-e-e-d) land (l-a-n-d) different (d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t) sentence (s-e-n-t-e-n-c-e) us (u-s) move (m-o-v-e) years (y-e-a-r-s) kind (k-i-n-d) hand (h-a-n-d) picture (p-i-c-t-u-r-e) again (a-g-a-i-n) change (c-h-a-n-g-e) following (f-o-l-l-o-w-i-n-g) play (p-l-a-y) spell (s-p-e-l-l) air (a-i-r) away (a-w-a-y) animals (a-n-i-m-a-l-s) house (h-o-u-s-e) point (p-o-i-n-t) page (p-a-g-e) letters (l-e-t-t-e-r-s) mother (m-o-t-h-e-r) answer (a-n-s-w-e-r) found (f-o-u-n-d) study (s-t-u-d-y) another (a-n-o-t-h-e-r) learn (l-e-a-r-n) should (s-h-o-u-l-d) America (A-m-e-r-i-c-a) world (w-o-r-l-d) Well done! #learningtimefun #sightwordsforkids #learningvideosforchildren
