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Скачать с ютуб Reviewing 1/500 Airport Accessories (Flughafenzubehör) by Herpa 519496 & 519472 в хорошем качестве

Reviewing 1/500 Airport Accessories (Flughafenzubehör) by Herpa 519496 & 519472 2 года назад

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Reviewing 1/500 Airport Accessories (Flughafenzubehör) by Herpa 519496 & 519472

Collecting planes means building an airport diorama for them, at some point. And every airport needs ground vehicles that service the planes, from fuel tankers to baggage loaders. Herpa is one of the few companies that offer these accessories in 1/500 scale but they have made a confusing amount of sets, so in this video I will show you which set gives you the most value for your money. Pros: great starter set (has a little bit of everything) price no assembly required Cons: everything is plastic a bit hard to find ground vehicles lack the level of detail Herpa planes have CREDITS: intro:    • Soaring in the Sky   Filmed on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Edited with Wondershare Video Editor #Herpa #Airport #Accessories
