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Best Oxygen Gas Detector (O2 Detector & O2 Sensor, FD-90A-O2)

This unit is our best O2 detector, an Oxygen detector with an O2 sensor to undertake your Oxygen measurement and detection for air quality, leaks, inspection, and personal protection. Purchase: 0:00 Intro 0:18 Oxygen Concentration in Air (% volume) 0:45 Oxygen Sensor 1:35 Oxygen Detector Box 2:05 Demo and Test to O2 Depleted Gas 2:51 Oxygen Alarms 3:21 NIST USA Calibration Certificate 3:57 Pump and Probe 4:48 Conclusions 🔬 ACCURATE: Professional and accurate OXYGEN (O2) gas detector, 0 - 30% with 0.1% resolution. Electrochemical sensors. 🌷 DETECT: Electrochemical cell sensor and comes factory-calibrated. 🎆 ALARMS: Adjustable audio, visual, and vibration alarms alert when preset levels are reached. 💪 STRONG: Shockproof, water-resistant, dust-proof, and explosion-proof with belt clip. 🕵️ TRUSTWORTHY: ** 1-YEAR limited warranty ** Arrives with calibration and QA certificates ** Product tested and verified in the USA ** 100% quality guaranteed ** Details: The professional OXYGEN gas detector by FORENSICS has all the advanced features and functions, made with the highest quality electrochemical sensors. Perfect for R&D, life science biotech research, personal protection, ambient air measurements, and industrial oxygen deficiency PPE. Not to be used as a continuous indoor monitor. Use FD-60-O2 for indoor continuous oxygen monitoring. Comes factory-calibrated. Included: Gas detector, belt clip, sling, English manual, USB charging cable, calibration cover, and USA NIST calibration certificate. 🏆 BLOG: 🚨 PRODUCTS: 📈 CALIBRATION: 🎥 VIDEOS:    / @drkozforensicsdetectors   🔢 CONTACT: 👫 SOCIAL 👬 Twitter:   / coforensics   Facebook: Instagram:   / forensicsdetectors   Youtube:    / @drkozforensicsdetectors   ✅ Forensics Detectors was established in 2017 to offer the world's best and most affordable gas detectors, meters, and analyzers. Forensics Detectors has grown to include virtually every major type of gas meter and detector for industries such as consumer, oil and gas, R&D, transport, food, construction, electronics, occupational safety, and general industry. Forensics Detectors is dedicated to providing only the finest professional-grade gas measurement, detection, and monitoring equipment with Ph.D. level technical support and expertise. ✅ ✅ Email: [email protected]
