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Скачать с ютуб Garmin MARQ Athlete (Gen 2) Review: The Best Money Can Buy? в хорошем качестве

Garmin MARQ Athlete (Gen 2) Review: The Best Money Can Buy? 2 года назад

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Garmin MARQ Athlete (Gen 2) Review: The Best Money Can Buy?

Here's everything you need to know about what a $1,900 GPS running watch looks like! Alternatively: Trainer & Chill T-Shirt: https://dc-rainmaker.creator-spring.c... It’s landed, the watch the 1% have been waiting for: The $1,900 Garmin MARQ Athlete, 2nd Gen edition. This watch builds upon the previous Garmin MARQ & CHRONOS lineups of fancier Fenix variants, but now switches over to the Garmin Epix series as the underlying platform. The previous MARQ editions were based on the Fenix 6 series. Of course, the Epix and Fenix 7 units are virtually identical in terms of features, just with different displays. The Epix-based MARQ Athlete now utilizes the AMOLED display instead. As with the previous MARQ editions, the differences are almost entirely based in hardware and the outward design of the watch. Aspects like case materials, buttons, and even a new charging port/cable that’s massively faster than any other Garmin watch. However, this time there is a singular new software feature being launched on the Garmin MARQ series – a jetlag advisor. And ironically enough, I’m writing this from Boeing 777 at 36,000ft headed across the Atlantic Ocean – a perfect time to show how this all works. But fear not, this feature will also be coming to other more normally priced watches too. #GarminMARQ #MARQ GarminMARQAthlete
