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Creepiest Animatronics in Movies

Today we’re going to be talking about the most terrifying Animatronics made by some of the most legendary special effects teams. These are the 10 creepiest animatronics in movies. Special thanks to Patrick Dougall for being with us today! ✨Subscribe to Patrick Dougall ✨ 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻    / @patrickdougall     / patrickadougall   ✨Follow us on Instagram✨ 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻   / fastpassfacts   Check out this amazing items Scariest Animatronics Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:42 Lava Demon Bedazzled 2:45 Kuato Total Recall 4:50 Brunflefly The Fly 7:58 Gmork The Neverending Story 10:34 Giant Bat Batman Forever 13:15 Meryl Streep Death Becomes Her 15:28 Audrey 2 Little Shop of Horrors 18:00 Graboids Tremors 20:07 The Thing Animatronics 23:20 Charon Clash of the Titans
