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Скачать с ютуб Fuji X-PRO3 The 40mm King vs Fuji X100V. Which it's more fun to use for street photography? в хорошем качестве

Fuji X-PRO3 The 40mm King vs Fuji X100V. Which it's more fun to use for street photography? 2 года назад

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Fuji X-PRO3 The 40mm King vs Fuji X100V. Which it's more fun to use for street photography?

In this video I talk about Fujifilm X-PRO3 with 27mm f2.8 mark II lens versus Fuji X100V. Which I prefer more for street photography or for that range finder experience? 😋 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL WITH A DONATION: _____________________________________ Support the channel with a Paypal Donation: $15 _____________________________________________ Consider joining my channel and become a supporter. You'll get private POVs, early access, and all the perks that I will add. Or just join to support my journey! Thank you! BECOME A MEMBER:    / tudormateescuvideos   👍My Site: 🙏 Follow Me: Instagram:   / tudormateescu   Main site for contact and keep in touch: CAMERA GEAR THAT I RECOMMEND From Fujifilm: ► Fujifilm X-PRO3 ► Fujifilm X100V ► Fujifilm X-E4 ► Fujifilm X-T4 Fujifilm Lenses That I Love At A Good Price: ► Viltrox 56mm f1.4 ► Viltrox 23mm f1.4 ► Viltrox 33mm f1.4 FUJIFILM SMALL AND GOOD LESNES THAT I USE: ► Fuji 35mm f1.4 ► Fuji 35mm f2 ► Fuji 18mm f2 Help support the channel and use the above affiliate links for your purchase. I get a small commission when you purchase something (at no extra cost for you) and this is helping me to get going with the channel. I offer links to just the products in which I believe! Thanks for your help! 😋 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL WITH A DONATION: _____________________________________ Support the channel with a Paypal Donation: $15 _____________________________________________ 🎶 I use Artlist for music because they have the best license out there and excellent soundtracks. Get your account with 2 month of free music here: #TudorTalks
