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Top 10 Most educated African Presidents of All Time 1 месяц назад

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Top 10 Most educated African Presidents of All Time

Africa is home to some of the Most educated presidents in the World and the Continent has produced the most educated president in the world of all time. In today's video we are going to cover the top 10 Most educated African Presidents of all time. 00:00 - Intro 00:32 - Faure Gnassingbe, Togo 01:10 - George Weah, Liberia 02:03 - Ameenah Gurib, Mauritius 02:41 - William Ruto, Kenya 03:14 - Mulatu Teshome, Ethiopia 03:51 - Alassane Ouattara, Ivory Coast 04:22 - Peter Mutharika, Malawi 04:50 - King Mohammed VI, Morocco 05:19 - John Pombe Magufuli, Tanzania 06:00 - Robert Mugabe, Zimbwabwe
