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Скачать с ютуб DragonFable | Devoured Horizons | Wrath DragonLord (BLOB SKIP) в хорошем качестве

DragonFable | Devoured Horizons | Wrath DragonLord (BLOB SKIP) 3 недели назад

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DragonFable | Devoured Horizons | Wrath DragonLord (BLOB SKIP)

This is the only valid way to do this fight if you value your sanity. DH is kind of a sentimental challenge because it was the first Inn fight I beat on my own (back when I only knew how to play Wrath DragonLord lol), so I thought I would revisit it and make an improved strategy that skips the excruciating Protean animations. I invested enough CHA to get Overcharge back on T20 for bursting the snake, but you can skip this and just go 45 DEX seeing as there's an overkill of one entire hit of Wings. This is because deliberately not resolving the Constricted effect with a stun means you get to hit into an additional -24 All on the last turn of your burst rotation. I even forgot to skip dragon on T13 and let the snake's Solar Charge decrease to 40 for the entire second half the fight. Despite the overkill, you can't really push it any faster since you have to wait for the snake to use its purge on T18 before you can use Energy. You could use Overcharge exclusively on Protus (on T9 after Breath), but depending on how much you've Crit and how low your HP is, you run the risk of killing too early on T10 Wings and leaving the blobs alive. My T9 set was just whatever trash items I had in my inventory at the time so I wouldn't accidentally kill any blobs. Spreadsheet: 0:00 Protus Symbiote 4:05 Star-Eating Serpent 200 INT / 200 END / 27 CHA / 18 DEX 200 Assistance / 200 Fighting / 199 Protection / 1 Mischief Opening gear: Exalted Apotheosis + Lance of Awethur Wings of Eternal Light Tentacle of the Dominion ShadowSlayer's Hat Clawkin Cloak Clasp Grimoire of the Lich Legion Bracer Inn at the Edge of Time Progression Guide:
