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Скачать с ютуб No bake Digestive Biscuit Caramel Slice Cake в хорошем качестве

No bake Digestive Biscuit Caramel Slice Cake 3 года назад

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No bake Digestive Biscuit Caramel Slice Cake

Try this recipe good for any occasion,pls watch til end and don't forget to subscribe! Ingredients and step by step procedure Step 1 Digestive biscuit Melted Butter Desciccated coconut Sweet potato extract *Mix all together *Arrange in a mold *Refrigerate whike preparing the 2 d step Step 2 1/2cup Sugar 2cans condensed milk 1/2cup butter *Melt the sugar,combined with condensed add the butter *Cook in medium heat *Add to the flaten buscuit mixture *Refrigerate while preparing the 3rd step Step 3 I used 2bars of plain chocolate 2sp Vegetable oil *Melt the chocolate *Add the oil *Stir til well combined *Add to flaten biscuit caramel *Refrigerate for 30minutes *Slice and serve Thank you for watching!
