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East West Rail - First Day of Testing - 21st October 2024 1 месяц назад

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East West Rail - First Day of Testing - 21st October 2024

Three different scenes recorded at the Jarvis Lane Footbridge, Bicester on the first day of testing for the new East West Rail route from Oxford to Milton Keynes. These test trains, and others like them over the coming months, will test all sorts of things to help facilitate passenger operation during 2025. I only had time to visit the one location unfortunately, but it gives you a flavour of day one of testing at a location just to the north east of Gavray Junction, Bicester. It's near where the existing Chiltern Railways service from Oxford to London Marylebone branches off and the newly rebuilt railway line starts running onward to Milton Keynes via Winslow and Bletchley. This line will eventually form part of the reinstatement of the Varsity Line between two of England's great university cities of Oxford and Cambridge. I hope you like the stills and video footage contained within.
