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Скачать с ютуб Violin School Beginners Lesson 4: First Finger Placement! в хорошем качестве

Violin School Beginners Lesson 4: First Finger Placement! 4 года назад

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Violin School Beginners Lesson 4: First Finger Placement!

Welcome to Music With Meg's Violin School! Coming to you weekly, this introductory course will lead you through the basics of the violin. Suitable for new beginners! Please note that if you want to progress on a musical instrument, there's only so far Youtube can take you! Once you've gotten to grips with the basics instrument, I would recommend finding a local teacher! These lessons are free! And if you'd like to help me make more, please consider a donation: Buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi: Make a contribution via Paypal: Facebook - Twitter - Email - [email protected]
