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Скачать с ютуб ks0 Iceriver asic Overclock preparation. в хорошем качестве

ks0 Iceriver asic Overclock preparation. 8 месяцев назад

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ks0 Iceriver asic Overclock preparation.

The first kheavyhash asic of the GreenMiner fleet will be getting a OverClock from the iceriver github team. Adding links at the bottom of the description here. Iceriver monitor tool showing ks3m chips may need repaste. Monitor link below. Hashing ramping up on kaspa price runs! More products in the Merch Store are Crispy! All sales go to more miners to burn the supply down $GEM! Link to store below! The GreenMiner team looking for anyway to Burn the GEM supply using renewable methods. Burn Down the Supply of GreenMiner! The Defi Web3 Smart Contract Technology that will hedge against the failing fiat traditional financial system. GreenMiner is on the Binance Smart Chain. It is a fixed supply that is being burned with its 10% transaction tax. Anyone with a cpu, gpu, or asic miner can mine BNB on the GreenMiner Unmineable pool and contribute to an even greater burn! All information for upcoming video products and GreenMiner are below. Subscribe so you don't miss my custom Asic (Canaan Avalon 1166 81t Bitcoin & 1246 87t Pro miner) Heat Dispersement Design! Already running and seeing hash well over the 90+ th/s! The wifi timer Bitcoin & Kaspa mining operation off Solar Power is had a few obstacles but the technology has shown promise! Putting the power the electric company will sell that I don't use to work for the whole community of GreenMiner! Grab a bag of GreenMiner today and hold tight while the supply gets burned away! Join us in our mission to build a more sustainable future for crypto mining, invest in GreenMiner (GEM) today. Links All links here Merch Twitter   / greenenrgyminer   website Http:// telegram​ -chart-​ contract simpleswap GreenMiner Unmineable link - (this link sets up payout straight to burn contract - no funny business ;) Worker setup description for your asic setup dashboard - BNB:0xe7aB4C46491D2ecc5a7c5D9d341342B8FAc6e81F.your_worker_name#GEM (#GEM at the end gives you a 0.25% discount earning even more GEM to burn!) Setting up Canaan Avalon, Iceriver, Antminer on Unmineable (good reference for any asic style miner) - Iceriver Monitoring Tool - Iceriver overclocking (use at your own risk) - Power Bricks/PSUs 180w 19.5v - Cooling AC Infinity MULTIFAN S3 (USB) -
