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Скачать с ютуб You're a sight reader if...(5 problems and solutions) в хорошем качестве

You're a sight reader if...(5 problems and solutions) 5 месяцев назад

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You're a sight reader if...(5 problems and solutions)

Hey all! Today's video outlines five signs of being an sight player at the piano. If you relate to any of these, don't worry! There are some fixes you can implement. :) Last week's video was about ear players, which you can find here:    • You're an ear player if...(7 problems...   Here's where you can find the webinar on how to learn a piece more quickly, with a bunch of stuff about ear training: If you want to support my video podcast project, come on over to Creative Colosseum (hang out with us Sunday afternoon, 4pm EST! We'll be doing a couple of episodes, so we'll be around a while.)   / creativecolosseum      / @creativecolosseum   -Allysia P.S. All of my group piano classes open for fall registration in August 2024. The classes range in difficulty from complete beginner to intermediate. If you'd like to receive announcements about that, please join a wait list! :)
