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BlueBerry Pie: Using Frozen Blueberries

Join me as I walk you through step-by-step on how to make the perfect blueberry pie from scratch. This recipe uses frozen blueberries. You may also use fresh blueberries - simply replace the blueberry juice in the recipe with water. This recipe makes a blueberry pie that is not runny and not gummy! To print the recipe: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. My favorite food scale for measuring ingredients accurately: A few other products I find handy for baking this blueberry pie: A pie drip catcher is the ultimate for keeping your oven clean (use a sheet pan if you don't have a drip catcher). I prefer this one as the hole in the middle allows heat to more evenly reach the bottom of the pie: A pie crust shield to help prevent burning the crust. This one is my fav: Ingredients: Pie dough 1.5 pounds defrosted blueberries 4 fluid ounces blueberry juice (1/2 cup) (from defrosted blueberries) 1.5 ounces cornstarch (3 tablespoons) 3 fluid ounces water (6 tablespoons) 2 ounces granulated sugar (5 tablespoons) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 4 ounces granulated sugar (2/3 cup) 1 egg (lightly whipped to brush on top of pie before baking) 1 Tablespoon raw or granulated sugar (to sprinkle on top of pie before baking)
