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Global Perspectives on Health and Climate 3 недели назад

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Global Perspectives on Health and Climate

As world leaders gather to discuss global climate priorities at the COP29 conference, which takes place Nov. 11-22 in Azerbaijan, understanding and mitigating the health impacts of climate change will be an important focus. But what should be on the research agenda for exploring the critical issues related to health and climate, and who should have a voice in helping shape those priorities? “This Think Global event will explore these questions with experts from around the world who are studying diverse topics in the intersection of climate and global health.” Panelists will discuss how they see climate and health issues manifesting and what issues are emerging as most pressing in their communities. Through these global perspectives, the discussion will seek to define what steps are needed, locally and globally, to successfully advance research, implementation, and policy to protect global/public health in the face of climate change.
