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In this video, I will show you all of the new FIFA 19 Ultimate Team Kits and Packs. This is very important information and not many people are talking about it. Kits are a huge thing every single year but many have not realised there are so many special kits on FUT 19. FIFA 19 Ultimate Team Build your dream squad from thousands of players and compete in the most popular mode in FIFA. New FUT 19 features include live content from the UEFA Champions League, all-new online match mode Division Rivals, and more. Champions League Experience the world’s most prestigious club competition with the addition of the UEFA Champions League. The legendary tournament is woven into every mode in FIFA 19, introducing brand new ways to play. Gameplay From a tactical approach to every technical touch, Control The Pitch in every moment with new gameplay features in EA SPORTS FIFA 19. The brand-new Active Touch System allows for closer control, Dynamic Tactics enables deeper and more accessible squad setups, 50/50 Battles enables greater physicality and more user skill when challenging for loose balls, and Timed Finishing elevates user control in striking. Dynamic Tactics A re-imagined system gives players the tools to set multiple tactical approaches, offering in-depth customization pre-match, as well as more options for dynamic in-match adjustments simply from the D-Pad. Each tactical approach combines formations, mentalities, and both attacking and defensive play styles, enabling you to easily customize your play to any situation. ► Subscribe to my channel here: ► Follow me on Twitter:   / futmentor   Thank You for Watching this Video #FIFA19 #FIFA19NEWS #FIFA19NEWADDITIONS
