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Why your Moka pot tastes bad 4 года назад

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Why your Moka pot tastes bad

JAN 4, 2021 UPDATE: WAIT, I I can't believe you preheated the water! Watch my follow up video where I specifically address this in-depth:    • Why your moka pot still sucks and Ita...   Here's a paper claiming on the basis of physics and a 93C temperature extraction that you want to preheat your water to 70C: So consider that too. Also, I know! You hate my piano and it’s too loud. I have already become a lot more careful with my sound levels in the future videos. Thank you for letting me know. ————————————————-**————————————————- Feb 10, 2021 update: Here is a list of the papers I've now consulted about this topic. I will be putting videos out describing what each of these papers says: Varlamov and Balestrino "La fisica di un buon caffe" (2002) ( Gianino, Concetto. "Experimental analysis of the Italian coffee pot 'moka'" (2006) ( King, Warren "Physics of a stove top espresso machine" (2008) ( Navarini et al. (2009) "Experimental investigation of steam pressure coffee extraction in a stove-top coffee maker" ( Hargarten et al. "Swelling properties of roasted coffee particles" (2019) ( ————————————————-**————————————————- Moka pots have a bad reputation among Americans, but done correctly, you can get a quality brew without the bitter taste. Il Barista Italiano's video on how to clean your Moka pot:    • The strongest myth of the Moka coffee...   History of the Moka Pot, Alfonso Bialetti, and aluminum as Italy's national metal: My video on Siphon brew coffee:    • Видео   The (TOO LOUD) soundtrack is Nocture Op. 54, No. 2 by Edvard Grief, performed by me. Dec 15, 2020 update: I have made a sequel video addressing comments:    • Why your moka pot still sucks and Ita...  
