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Heavy video of myself:    • FIRST EXPERIENCES: HEAVY #savetf2 #fi...   ‪@beterreal‬ Credits: Two videos from ‪@MarioInATopHat‬ stream announcements vol. 25:    • stream announcements vol. 25   Gordon Ramsay meme:   / gordon_ramsay_plays_tf2   I BUILT THIS:    • I BUILT THIS   ‪@KiegKillsReality‬ This MIGHT be the Mysterious Stranger:   / this_might_be_the_mysterious_stranger   When you try to destroy the tank in MvM:   / when_you_try_to_destroy_the_tank_in_mvm   Scout In The Middle:    • Scout In The Middle   ‪@magnateofvids4850‬ Ellis in TF2:    • Ellis in TF2   ‪@pissgaming‬ [SFM] Scout Pulls An Impression Again:    • [SFM] Scout Pulls An Impression Again   ‪@annaberuuuu‬ TF2 Players laughing at the most random things:   / tf2_players_laughing_at_the_most_random_th...   GET A JOB (SFM):    • GET A JOB (SFM)   ‪@punchhhyyy‬ BLU Guys are bullying triumbrush:    • BLU Guys are bullying triumbrush   ‪@Triumbrush‬ Hired a heavy as a hitman:   / hired_a_heavy_as_a_hitman   TF2 Memes I unboxed from the internet pt 21:    • TF2 Memes I unboxed from the internet...   ‪@KlassicLoL‬ bro scout just trolled me:   / bro_scout_just_trolled_me   Spy tf2 gets real:    • Spy tf2 gets real   ‪@Epictf2bruhmoments‬ [SFM/TF2] I'm scared Poncho...:    • [SFM/TF2] Estoy asustado Poncho... #f...   ‪@TheNic0lays‬ Do I amuse you?:    • Do I amuse you?   ‪@KiegKillsReality‬ Madekoo - The CHAOTIC Friendly Experience in TF2:    • The CHAOTIC Friendly Experience in TF2   ‪@Madekoo‬ Who wants to go to the 4 seasons orlando?:    • Who wants to go to the 4 seasons orla...   ‪@Type100Films‬ Red team was spawn camping us hard so we decided to back cap as spies:   / red_team_was_spawn_camping_us_hard_so_we_d...   ‪@Vexcenot‬ Please Take A Shower Immediately:    • Please Take A Shower Immediately   ‪@KiegKillsReality‬ 100 Cans of Bonk [SFM]:    • 100 Cans of Bonk [SFM]   ‪@Plonkus‬ [SFM] "He Could be Any One of Us!":    • [SFM] "He Could be Any One of Us!"   ‪@Misantropico‬ Timelapse of a TF2 Friendly Match 5:    • Timelapse of a TF2 Friendly Match 5   ‪@Madekoo‬ Pyro warm up [ SFM ]:    • Pyro warm up [ SFM ]   ‪@stupidstone6528‬ Attack On CaseOh [SFM]:    • Attack On CaseOh [SFM]   ‪@Type100Films‬ I asked one by one every creator for permission. For example: Melon TF2, marioinatophat, Peanut Mann, etc... Still there are anonymous videos if you know the creators please let me know. I would like to reach the creator for permission. Please send me an email if you want to remove your video, maybe I missed credit, maybe I mistakenly used your video without your permission. Please let me know. [email protected] For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter:   / betermemes   Backup Channel: ‪@beterv2‬ #tf2 #tf2memes #beter
