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Скачать с ютуб Iron Butt Rides: The things no one tells you. в хорошем качестве

Iron Butt Rides: The things no one tells you. 3 года назад

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Iron Butt Rides: The things no one tells you.

Jimmy the Bearded Biker discusses some of the things you wish you knew before you attempt your first Iron Butt that no one tells you. How to Plan your First Iron Butt:    • How to plan your first Iron Butt ride.   Some of mine and Darin's Iron Butt Rides:    • Arkansas Saddle Sore 1k      • Iron Butt Association Santasore 1K, B...      • 1K Day      • IBA (Iron Butt Association) Yes we at...   How to use google maps to plan a saddle sore:    • How to use Google Maps to plan your f...  
