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Trail Vs Enduro eBikes - Is There Really A Difference?

When looking to buy a new bike, there are plenty of things to consider. One of the first that we look at though is the category of bike. With categories like XC, Trail, Enduro, Park, All-Mountain, Downhill, Downcountry, and seemingly more being created every year, there are plenty to choose from. In the EMTB world, however, the two categories that we hear most often are Trail and Enduro. To try and drill deeper into what these two categories really mean, and which riders they suit, Steve and Adam decided to pit a "Trail" eBike against an "Enduro" eBike and see once and for all what the difference really is! Useful Links: Ride with us at the Global Bike Festival 👉 Submit your Photo and Video to us 👉 Check out the latest EMBN jerseys! 👉 Do you agree with Steve and Adam's ideas on Trail and Enduro EMTBs? Which category eBike do you ride? Share your thoughts with the EMBN community in the comment section below! Watch more on EMBN... 📹 How to choose your next EMTB 👉 📹 Watch our Editor’s Choice Playlist 👉 📹 Watch our Features Playlist 👉 🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵 Blade Running - Cushy Game for You - Daniel Fridell High Tech - Rocket Jr Hypercell - Ooyy New Terrain - Aiyo Peacemaker - Splasher! Running Into - Ooyy #embn #ebikes #emtb #ebiking The Electric Mountain Bike Network (EMBN) is the world’s leading electric mountain bike (eMTB) channel and community. Dedicated to igniting your passion for eMTBs, EMBN delivers weekly original content to inspire you to take your riding further, faster – and with more fun. Whether you live to conquer the techiest terrain – both up and down; to access and explore the beautiful backcountry; or simply to pack as much fun as you can into the precious riding time you have, EMBN is dedicated to covering eMTB from every angle. From inspiring you to go electric – helping you understand what you need, where and how to ride to get the best from your eMTB experience, and more – through showcasing and exploring the latest, most innovative tech, empowering and entertaining features, to skills videos that help you progress and can tackle ever-more adventurous terrain, and much, much more. Every week we bring you informative and entertaining videos on… The know-how… The skills… The tech… The inspiration… go faster and explore more! EMBN is mountain biking… fully charged: helping you go faster, further, and with more adventures than ever before. Join the EMBN community: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Thanks to our sponsors: Canyon: Husqvarna: Ergon: Garmin: Peaty's Products: Pirelli Tyres: Nukeproof Pedals: MET Helmets: Bluegrass: Watch our sister channels: Global Mountain Bike Network -    / gmbn   GMBN Racing - GMBN Tech -    / gmbntech   Global Cycling Network -    / gcn   GCN Tech -    / gcntech   GCN Racing -    / gcnracing   Global Triathlon Network -    / gtn   GCN Italia -    / gcnitalia   GCN en Espanol -    / gcnenespanol   GCN auf Deutsch -    / gcnaufdeutsch   GCN en Francais -    / gcnenfrancais   GCN Japan -    / gcnjapan   GCN Training -    / gcntraining  
