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Manuel II Palaiologos: The Elder Statesman

Manuel II Palaiologos proved to be one of the finest emperors of the last dynasty of the Eastern Roman Empire, whose herculian efforts saw the continuation of Byzantium into the fifteenth century. It was his reign that saw Byzantium saw its last few successes before the Ottomans became insurmountable even with the combined might of Catholic Europe. Predecessor: John V Palaiologos Successor: John VIII Palaiologos Email [email protected] Discord   / discord   If you would like to support Eastern Roman History, I have a Patreon:   / easternromanhistory   Bibliography: Adam of Usk, Chronicle, Translated by Given-Wilson C. (1997) Doukas, Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks, Translated by Magoulias, Harry J. (1975) George Sphrantzes, Chronicle 1401-1477, Translated by Philippides, M. (1980) Laonikos Chalkokondyles, The Histories, Translated by Kaldellis, A. (2014) Gregory, T. E. (2010) A History of Byzantium, Michigan. Harris, J. (2010) The End of Byzantium, Yale. Nicol, D. M. (1993) The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453 - Second Edition, London. Stathakopoulos, D. (2014) A Short History of the Byzantine Empire, London. Treadgold, W. (1997) A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford. All images used are for educational purposes, if I have used a piece of art and you would like me to credit you, please contact me and I shall do so.
