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5 Steps To Recover From Infidelity | Part 2 | Psychologist - David Fox |🔥

5 Steps To Recover From Infidelity | Part 2 | Psychologist - David Fox |🔥 In this video, relationship expert David Fox shares his insights and advice on how to survive infidelity and move forward from the pain of betrayal. David provides practical tips and strategies to help individuals and couples navigate the complex emotions and challenges that arise after an affair. In Part 2 - psychologist and couples counsellor from Sydney's eastern suburbs - David Fox - covers the steps 4 and 5 to recovering from infidelity which include: Step 4: Answering Questions - It is important for the person who has been betrayed to make sense of what has happened and in some way to recreate or put back together the sense of meaning in their lives. It can be hard for both people to navigate this part as one wants to move on and not dwell while the other has the strong need to make sense of the past. Step 5: Requests: Here the partner who has been betrayed is going to have a number of needs or requests in order to help rebuild the trust. These may take the form of small requests such as no passwords on our phones, medium requests such as tell me where you are and who you are with when you are not at work, including if you ever run into the affair partner and large requests such as leaving the workplace. Whether you are the one who has been betrayed or the one who has betrayed your partner, David's guidance will help you find a way to heal and rebuild a stronger, healthier relationship. Don't let infidelity define your future - watch this video and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow. #InfidelityRecovery #DavidFox_Couples_Coach #Relationshiphealing #Affairrecovery #CouplesTherapist #CoupleRelationship
