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Скачать с ютуб BELAZ 75710, the biggest dump truck in the world в хорошем качестве

BELAZ 75710, the biggest dump truck in the world 1 год назад

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BELAZ 75710, the biggest dump truck in the world

👉Your support with like or comment means everything for me . To donate to the Mechanics Mix channel : The BelAZ 75710 is an ultra class haul truck manufactured in Belarus by BelAZ. As of 2013, it was the world's largest, highest payload capacity haul truck. The main points : Belaz 75710 introduction. Belaz dimensions. Belaz load capacity. Belaz tyres specifications. Belaz engine specifications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanics Mix introduce interesting engineering and technology videos with new vision, you will enjoy with Mechanics Mix because our goal is to simplify engineering science and technology. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our Youtube Channel:    / @mechanicsmix   Follow us on our social links and Stay Tuned: Facebook:   / mechanicsmix   Twitter:   / mechanicstips   Google+: Rss (Atom):
