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apartment hunt in singapore: 1 bedroom condo for rent tour | living abroad diaries 1 год назад

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apartment hunt in singapore: 1 bedroom condo for rent tour | living abroad diaries

ola 👋 its been awhile since i uploaded my last vlog. i was busy with travelling and this! apartment hunting in singapore. thought i'd vlog while viewing some of the units and share them with you guys. we're looking at a minimum 1 bedroom unit that is nearer to town compared to where we're currently staying. the rental price for all of the units we viewed are at $3,000-$4,000 (SGD). as you might have known, property price in singapore is getting 🥵 and we wanted to do our viewings as many and as early as possible to have better comparison. enjoy the apartment tours! --- follow me on instagram: ♡ @marcellarisye:   / marcellarisye   ♡   /  
