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Cyprus food tour in Larnaca Cyprus | Cyprus country 4 года назад

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Cyprus food tour in Larnaca Cyprus | Cyprus country

** Eat Halloumi cheese 🧀 in Cyprus 🇨🇾 ** It is regarded as the un official national dish of Cyprus 🇨🇾 and it actually gives Cyprus 🇨🇾 an identity Halloumi is a semi hard cheese and can be eaten as appetizer or main course .Today you would find it in form of halloumi cheese burger 🍔 and famous halloumi fries 🍟 Because of its high melting point , it’s usually fried or grilled And I’m also drinking Zivana a local brandy from grapes in Cyprus 🇨🇾 #cyprusfood #larnacafood #halloumi #babakaranveer #travelcyprus #cyprus #halloumicheese #cypriotfood
