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China‘s $62BN Water Transfer Project

China is building the World's Biggest Water Diversion Megaproject to change the natural flow of its rivers. The project involves creating artificial canals, aqueducts, and tunnels to transport freshwater to the industrial areas in the north. In this video, we will explore the controversial South-to-North Water Diversion Project, including its cost, purpose, environmental impact, and its potential benefits or drawbacks for the Chinese population! For more Megaproject content make sure to subscribe to Top Luxury! 0:00 China‘s $62BN Water Transfer Project 0:35 China's Difficult Geography 3:22 The South-North Water Megaproject 4:19 The Eastern Route 5:22 The Central Route 7:25 The Western Route 8:43 Effects on Chinese People 9:32 Effects on the Environment 11:53 Is the Project Successful? #megaprojects #construction #engineering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OTHER INTERESTING VIDEOS: China's Insanely Large Megaprojects    • China's Insanely Large Megaprojects   Biggest Megaprojects Under Construction in 2023    • Biggest Megaprojects Under Constructi...   California's New $4BN Mega Reservoir    • California's New $4BN Mega Reservoir   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OUR OTHER CHANNELS: Top Luxury in Español: ‪@Megaproyectos.‬ Top Luxury in German: ‪@Megabauten‬ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact us: topluxuryinfo[at]
