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風中之燭1997 Elton John - Goodbye England's Rose (中英文字幕) 16 лет назад

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風中之燭1997 Elton John - Goodbye England's Rose (中英文字幕) 史丹利五 製作 Princes Diana - Elton John - Goodbye Englands Rose = = = = Candle in the Wind 1997 Goodbye England's Rose May you ever grow in our hearts. You were the grace that placed itself Where lives were torn apart. You called out to our country, And you whispered to those in pain. Now you belong to heaven, And the stars spell out your name. And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind: Never fading with the sunset When the rain set in. And your footsteps will always fall here, Along England's greenest hills; Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will. Loveliness we've lost; These empty days without your smile. This torch we'll always carry For our nation's golden child. And even though we try, The truth brings us to tears; All our words cannot express The joy you brought us through the years. Goodbye England's Rose, From a country lost without your soul, Who'll miss the wings of your compassion More than you'll ever know. 風中之燭1997 永別了我們的英國薔薇 願你永遠盛開在我們心中 妳將自己化身為高雅的恩惠 普及顛沛流離的大眾 妳向我們的國家大聲疾呼 妳對苦難中的人輕聲安慰 當妳永遠歸屬天堂 群星也將妳芳名閃耀永垂 妳的一生,我總認為 就像是風中之燭 即便大雨傾盆不止 光芒從不隨夕陽沈沒 而妳的足音將永遠繚繞 在英國最綠的綿延山丘 燭光雖有時而盡 傳奇卻將永世不朽 可愛已然失去 在沒有妳的笑容的空虛時日裡 我們將永遠高舉這把火炬 紀念我國最令人尊崇疼惜的玉女 即使我們勉強自己 事實依舊讓人流淚哽咽 我們所有的言語都無法道盡 這些年來妳帶給我們的喜悅 永別了我們的英國薔薇 失去妳的靈魂的這個國家深深哀悼 妳永遠不會知道,我們將多麼懷念 妳那充滿悲憫的庇護 = = = = 這首歌是艾爾頓‧強)為紀念黛安娜王妃的去世,以原來為瑪麗蓮‧夢露所作的Candle In the Wind改寫歌詞而成。這首歌在一九九七年九月發行時,一週內就賣出約三百五十萬張,打破歷年單曲單周銷售的記錄(當時記錄保持者是惠妮‧休斯頓在一九九二年的<我會永遠愛妳>"I'll Always Love You",在一週內賣了六十三萬二千張),這也已經是所有單曲銷售的第三名(惠妮‧休斯頓的名曲的總銷售是四百六十萬張)。光從這張紀念單曲的發行,不難想見當時黛妃在媒體中的影像力,以及當時因狗崽隊追逐在法國巴黎隧道中車禍喪生時,全球震驚的現象。 這首歌同樣用燭火來譬喻聲名如瑪麗蓮‧夢露的黛妃。但是原曲中在風雨中飄搖的燭火,引人對於夢露所受到好萊塢的摧殘掬一把同情淚,但在這裡卻變成了在風雨中照耀不熄的燭光,在意義上有很大的區別。顯示黛妃在英國的新精神領袖地位精。另外曲中用Golden Child這樣的形容詞來強調她的生命早逝,燭火雖然終究熄滅,但是她的傳奇將永遠常留,精神不死,永庇英國,長存於愛戴她的人民心中。 在當時黛妃因狗仔隊追逐她友人座車而於隧道中發生車禍身亡之時,英國全國人民真是舉國震驚,悲傷甚於如喪考妣,甚至遠在土耳其的一位年輕人為她跳樓。但是時至今日不過數年,黛妃當時在媒體中最受矚目的麻雀變鳳凰的盛大婚禮、從不重複的時尚服裝、黛安娜髮型,以至後來的婚變等等,一如諸多流行不出數月的風潮、時尚或手機,終究除了在少數黛妃迷之外的大眾心中,只留下Elton John 所作的這首歌。真正留下來的,卻是她後來極力從事的慈善工作,以她的影響力結合如艾爾頓‧強等歌星名人,勸募捐款。自己也經常親赴各地探視因病或是地雷而受創的孩童。那些身影才是永留多數人心中的黛妃。 另外,黛妃對於英國還有另一重要的影響,那是她完全不甩英國皇家的平民性格以及一反傳統英國人冷漠嚴肅的個性,不但毫不吝於與人民分享她的喜怒哀樂,更善於利用媒體讓自己成為全民的王妃,展現她熱情迷人的風華。在她身處婚變之時,在電視機前不吝表露自己情感的坦白,讓英國這個向來以「緊抿的上唇」(不露情感)民族性格自居的國家,頓時發現原來自己也可以有「顫抖的下唇」。在黛妃亡故後,工黨年輕的黨魁順利當選英國總理,相信與黛妃在英國所引起的文化與社會變革有很大的關係。 Goodbye England's Rose - Candle in the Wind, 1997 Goodbye England's rose; May you ever grow in our hearts. You were the grace that placed itself Where lives were torn apart. This is how the moving, mournful tribute by Sir Elton John began at the Funeral Service for his good friend, Diana the Princess of Wales on September 6, 1997. The Funeral included a mixture of traditional and modern music. About Candle in the Wind 1997 Following news of Diana's death, Elton John went into a deep depression. Diana had been by his side in July at the recent funeral of their friend Gianni Versace. He decided that he wanted to pay a tribute to Diana at her funeral and contacted his long-standing writing partner Bernie Taupin. Due to time limits before the scheduled funeral, the song composers decided to re-write the lyrics to the song, "Candle in the Wind" a 1973 song originally written as a tribute to Marilyn Monroe. About the Performance Sir Elton John performed the new version of Candle in the Wind - Goodbye England's Rose at the funeral for Princess Diana on September 6, 1997 in Westminster Abbey. Elton John through Bernie Taupin's new lyrics was able to poignantly express the grief that the world was experiencing. This was the first and only time that he sang this version of the song. Sir Elton has turn down requests to perform the song live and would only play the song again if requested by the Princes, Diana's sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. Since this one-time performance, in subsequent concerts Elton John has only played the original version of "Candle in the Wind" from 1973. Moving Lyrics for England's Rose Many believe that his musical memorial was one of the most touching moments of the entire service, and more fitting modern tribute to the Princess than the more traditional parts of the service. The moving lyrics continue below: And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind: Never fading with the sunset When the rain set in. And your footsteps will always fall here, Along England's greenest hills; Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will. Elton John/Bernie Taupin Candle in the Wind 1997
