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Скачать с ютуб TRONDHEIM & Trøndelag - the best attractions | Visit Norway в хорошем качестве

TRONDHEIM & Trøndelag - the best attractions | Visit Norway 4 года назад

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TRONDHEIM & Trøndelag - the best attractions | Visit Norway

Trondheim is the capital of the Trøndelag region and is located in the heart of Norway. The city has established itself as a leader in innovation and is known as Norway's capital of knowledge. This is partly thanks to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the largest university in the country. Around the region, you will find unique attractions, and experiences, like muskox safari, pilgrimage path, excellent food, and much more. Find out more at: ABOUT US: We are the Official Tourism Board in Norway, one of the happiest and most beautiful countries on Earth. CONNECT Web: Facebook:   / visitnorway   Instagram:   / visitnorway   Twitter:   / visitnorway   Newsletter: Subscribe to YouTube channel: PLANNING A TRIP TO NORWAY? Popular destinations: Things to do: Sleep: CREDITS Video by NewsLab/Visit Norway Thumbnails Photo: Foap/ #visitnorway #StoriesFromNorway
