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Скачать с ютуб How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 Express в хорошем качестве

How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 Express 12 лет назад

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How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 Express

THIS VIDEO IS PROVIDED FOR GUIDANCE ONLY - PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR OWN I.T. TEAM ON THE IMPACT OF LOADING MICROSOFT (TM) SQL ONTO YOUR SYSTEM. This is one of the tutorial videos for Myriad Playout v4 from P Squared Limited. Myriad Playout v4 is the latest generation of advanced Music & Link scheduling software, designed for radio stations of all types and sizes. In conjunction with the manual and the helpfile system, use these tutorial videos as a guide to the operation of the software and some of the advanced features that it can offer you. You may redistribute this video for Staff Training purposes ONLY. This video must not be editted or altered in any form whatsoever. Information correct at time of publishing (c)2012 P Squared Limited
