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"Crazy On You" Heart | CME Full Band Fridays

It's Friday so let us get crazy!! This week on CME Full Band Friday, we've got Heart's "Crazy On You!" Nathaniel Plays an incredible 1972 Gibson EDS-1275, one of his favorite guitars to ever come through the shop! Check it out and watch more Full Band Fridays below! If you like this Full Band Fridays let us know in the comments and of course SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CHICAGO MUSIC EXCHANGE!! Did you know? Opening with an iconic acoustic guitar instrumental which is sometimes identified with Heart’s acoustic piece "Silver Wheels", “Crazy on You” then turns into a fast-paced rock song that was the band's signature sound in their early years. "Crazy on You" attracted attention both for the relatively unusual combination of an acoustic guitar paired with electric guitars and the fact that the acoustic guitarist was a woman – a rarity in rock music during that time. According to co-writer and guitarist Nancy Wilson, who discussed it on an episode of the radio program In the Studio with Redbeard that devoted an entire episode to the Dreamboat Annie album, the rapid acoustic rhythm part was inspired by The Moody Blues's 1970 song "Question". The guitar riff was created by Roger Fisher during recording sessions. Full Band Fridays Playlist -    • Full Band Fridays   Players Featured Nathaniel Murphy - Guitar Felix Hamilton - Guitar Gus Martini - Bass John Paul Moser - Drums Elizabeth Moen - Vocals Gear Used: 1972 Gibson EDS-1275 Fender '65 Twin Reverb Benson Amps Preamp Gibson Original Les Paul '70s Deluxe Gold Top Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Benson Amps Preamp 1963 Fender Precision Bass Ampeg Rocket Bass 500w CME Exclusive Ludwig Vistalite 13/16/22 Ludwig 6.5x14 Pewter over Copper Snare Zildjian A Armand 16" Crash and 21" Ride Zildjian Rock 15" Hi-Hats Zildjian K Sweet 17" Crash Recording Gear Used: Universal Audio Apollo 8p Universal Audio Apollo x8p AEA R88 MkII Stereo Ribbon Microphone Shure Beta 52A Supercardioid Dynamic Kick Drum Microphone AEA N22 Active Ribbon Microphone Shure SM57 Shure SM58 Songs Played: 00:00-04:50 "Crazy On You" Heart More Chicago Music Exchange: Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Pinterest - Check out our Giveaways page to win gear! - Download the CME App today!! IOS - Google Play - #chicagomusicexchange #cme #fullbandfridays #coverband #ludwig #shure #guitar #bassguitar #drums #fender #chicago #vintageguitars #fullbandcover #classicrock #heart #crazyonyou #gibson #bensonamps #elizabethmoen #nathanielmurphy #zeppelinbarnatra
